Lean Six Sigma Applicable concept has been widely accepted in almost all forms of industrial niches. It has grown to be the most important methodology in the manufacturing industry. In the beginning, Six Sigma principles and tools are applied in the automotive industry, but now these proven strategies have equal importance in all
This is because all organizations and industries have problems to solve, and all industries face waste issues. Some leading industries tend to make maximum waste compared to the manufacturing industry. Also, deliverables and work management are more tangible than we think.
Businesses want to utilize resources sustainably. They want to grow revenues by cutting the cost of effective materials and waste processes. So, the question is, “Is lean Six Sigma applicable to all industries.” The answer is “yes”; the concept is applied in almost all industries these days.
However, some of the leading industries that are benefiting from Lean Six Sigma Green Belt course are as follows:
Manufacturing Industry
Lean Six Sigma has taken the business to a new level from traditional practices. It helps in improving product quality and efforts in manufacturing. The prime motive behind applying Six Sigma concepts is the improvement of production efficiency and quality of the products.
Lean Six Sigma has been accepted and widely applicable again and again in manufacturing industries to remove waste processes and achieve dramatic results. From furniture to automobiles and from beverages to pharmaceuticals, all these industries use Six Sigma to minimize defects and get better products. The Six Sigma strategies directly impact profit margin and help to achieve customer satisfaction faster.
As a result, companies successfully gain customers’ trust and build a strong reputation in the audience’s mind. Lean Six Sigma is synonymous with leading automotive sectors. The Toyota Production System (TPS), which Taiichi Ohno articulated and where he first recognized the seven categories of waste, is widely credited with inspiring the development of lean manufacturing, which Ford initially used in the 1900s.
Building more automobiles at a better standard and with fewer recalls has benefitted the automotive industry. And by eliminating waste like transportation and inventory, merchants have profited from greater sales and quicker maintenance.
Healthcare Industries
Implementing Six Sigma cultures and applying Lean Six Sigma processes help improve deliverability, especially in healthcare. In the healthcare industry, implementing Six Sigma strategies helps reduce the time nurses spend their quality time maintaining patient records, wheelchairs, and medicinal arrangements. By implementing these strategies, the time spent on these activities has been reduced significantly, and nurses can spend more time on patients.
Apart from this, the Lean 5s concept is implemented in the workplace, which helps the healthcare industry to choose the right tools when required. This strategy is also helpful in maintaining preventative equipment so that healthcare industries can use it properly.
Lean Six Sigma can be applied in laboratories and helps streamline the procedure of testing. The concept of Six Sigma is applicable to reduce errors and save plenty of precious time.
Maybe the concept of Lean Six Sigma looks incompatible in the education sector, but in many activities of the education sector, this Six Sigma practice has been practiced repeatedly. The reason is that today’s schools are trying to operate innovative classes and are focused on creating a virtual study environment. There is an increasing demand for software that directs maximum resources in the classroom. This helps to provide education continuously.
So, there is a great demand for Lean Six Sigma methodologies. This is why Six Sigma is also gaining popularity in the education sector. This can be used for streamlining administration roles and processes. Moreover, Six Sigma is widely acceptable to reduce variance in school processes such as student enrolment, grant admission, certification, and infrastructure maintenance. It can also be applied to make the most out of the resources.
Finance And Lead Advisory
Companies in the banking and judicial services sectors are well-positioned to take advantage of Lean and Six Sigma’s advantages as they are another process-driven service sector. The capacity to quickly and precisely satisfy client requirements may be considerably increased by minimizing non-value-adding processes and mistakes. Before the procedure is finished, a bank loan application, a request for an insurer quotation, or a convincing, for instance, may pass through several systems and hands.
Office Based Businesses
Lean Six Sigma is easily applied in the office-based business sector, where companies perform non-value business tasks. Wasteful practices include ordering excessive amounts of stationery, repeating procedures, waiting for several signatures, and underutilizing staff. Eliminating this waste and simplifying procedures boost productivity, make employees happier, and improve customer service.
In reality, Lean and Six Sigma may help any company’s administrative departments, including accounting, management, sales, advertising, human resources, and information technology. These categories include delivery, which requires procedures that may be made better using Lean and Six Sigma principles.
Six Sigma and Lean aren’t only for factories. The benefits of Lean and Six Sigma can be observed throughout the services industry, academia, and any office setting, as shown in this blog.
Retail and Hospitality
Excellent customer service, prompt product delivery, and precise inventory counts are essential for the retail and hospitality industries. Lean and Six Sigma offer a practical approach for enhancing these crucial components.
Leveraging Lean and Six Sigma results in improved customer outcomes and increased sales. Global retailers like Amazon, Staples, and Nike successfully incorporated Lean and Six Sigma ideas into their business strategies. Moreover, restaurant chains these days are implementing the Six Sigma concept to earn maximum profit and streamline their workflow.
Bottom Line
Six Sigma strategies and concepts are helpful for all these industries, especially manufacturing industries, because it helps minimize wastage and allow companies to use their resources to the fullest. Apart from this, Six Sigma tools and tactics are applicable worldwide because it helps to streamline workflow and improve product quality. Companies work better and in an aligned manner by implementing these strategies.